One of the most ancient forms of medicine known, it is a great treasure house. TCM embodies fine achievements accumulated over the millennia during the course of medical practice of Chinese physicians. The special methods of Acupuncture and moxibustion, with their multiple advantages, have been handed down from ancient times and improved through the generations. These practices are widely used in Asia and other countries. Today, more and more medical physicians and scientists agree that this kind of treatment does work. There has been an increased awareness of the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating many medical conditions and maintaining health. Thousands of research papers published in the last decade have proven the scientific basis of acupuncture and demonstrated its effectiveness from many approaches.
Treatment of disease using acupuncture is done by inserting fine needles into certain designated points along the channels in the body. Thereby inducing stimulation through various manipulative methods. Once the needle is properly in place, the patient will feel a characteristic tingling sensation. Sometimes, an electric apparatus may be used to maintain a constant stimulation.
Tuina is a Traditional Chinese Manipulation method in which the Physician uses his hands on channels and points on the body in order to regain balance, relieve pain and improve health. This technique has been widely applied for orthopedic and neurologic disorders, pain syndromes and sports injuries.
According to the classic doctrine of Chinese medicine, there is an unceasing flow of ‘life energy
or Qi’ throughout the human body. This vital energy originates from the major organs, and flows along the continuous circulatory channels called meridians. When the energy flow is smooth and in balance, one is healthy; if the balance is disturbed, then one will feel ill or pain. There are some specific points along the meridians called acupuncture points where the energy flow can be stimulated and the function of related organs can be regulated, thus restoring the delicate balance and start of the beneficial healing. Acupuncture is applied to the points selected on the basis of meridian systems. This explanation has been simplified but this is the way the Chinese explain how acupuncture normalizes the physiological dysfunction, helps to maintain the body’s physical condition, to prevent disease, to promote health, and to achieve longevity.
Numerous medical research studies have supplied sufficient data to place this 4,000 year old Chinese healing art on a solid scientific base. According to biochemical and neurological research, acupuncture may work by activating a natural pain-suppression response in the brain. Substantial evidence demonstrates that acupuncture may serve to stimulate the release of endogenous morphine-like substances called endorphins, which in turn mediate the analgesic effect.
Acupuncture has an obvious effect of stimulating or strengthening the body’s immune system, which in turn mobilizes the natural defense power inside the human body. This reaction is the major mechanism of anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious effects induced by acupuncture.
The overall influence of acupuncture is regulation of balance. It is very interesting to know that this kind of adjustment is biphasic in nature. Acupuncture can reduce the blood pressure in hypertension as well as raise the level in low blood pressure. Also, acupuncture is particularly effective in many psychosomatic disorders.
Most patients find the treatment very relaxing, which brings on a feeling of well-being. As a sign of “obtaining the vital energy,” some patients may have a slight sensation of soreness, numbness, distention, or heaviness around the needled area. The beneficial reaction usually starts during the first 2 or 3 visits, depending on the person’s response.
Of course, just like any other medical treatment, not all cases can be cured. However, there are no harmful effects from the therapy in common practice. Therefore people who suffer from lingering or chronic diseases and do not respond well to conventional medicine are particularly encouraged to try this promising Chinese art of healing.
Each person is unique, therefore, the treatment plan is individualized. It depends on the type of illness, the severity of the condition, the duration of the sickness and the physical state of the patient at time of treatment.
A course of treatment usually takes between five to ten sessions. In order to get the best therapeutic results, acute cases should be treated daily for a few days, followed by prolonged intervals; however, chronic cases usually need two or three visits per week. In case of slow results, the patient should still try to complete the entire course of treatment because most of these cases require more effort to restore their energy balance.
For health maintenance program, either preventive or promotive, periodic treatments(once a week or every two weeks) are recommended. This program usually helps the internal organs to function in a continuous bal,inced condition and improves the whole body’s physiological ability. This is the way of rejuvenation that Chinese people have been enjoying for thousands of years.